
時間 2022-04-01 08:20:17


you may look timid in a certain aspect as you are not proficient. when you are strong enough in the area, you can do the thing confidently. but we should know, to be a better man should spend time in practicing


you may looked ( 改成look,may 後動詞原形look ) timid in a certain aspect as you are not proficient. when you (加上 are )strong enough in the area, you can do the thing confident(改成confidently,副詞修飾動詞do). but we (改成you更合適,保持前後人稱一致)should know, to be a better man (加上you)should spend time in practicing.

英語句子的結構分析高手幫忙,一個英語句子的結構分析 高手幫忙

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handle 此處表示 駕馭 接受 忍受 deserve 表示 配得上 值得擁有 整句意思為 我自私 耐心不夠,還有一點不安全感。我會偶爾失控,變得難以駕馭。但是,如果你無法忍受我最壞的一面,你也無法得到我最好的一面。應該是瑪麗蓮 夢露的話。1 兩個handle 的意思是一樣的,只不過在語境中要做略...


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