
時間 2022-07-17 19:40:07


i saw lots of money,as i worked at the bank.

what does your uncle do?


every day i see a lot of money in the bank to work.

your uncle is doing the work?


i get in touch with a great deal of money , for that i work in the bank.

what do you do, uncle?


i am exposed to big money every day as i am working at the bank.

what does your uncle do?

could you write a mail to me in english?


1.i see a lot of money everyday,because i am working at bank.

2.what's job of your uncle?

3.can you write a letter to me in english?


1.i see much money everyday because i work in the bank.

2.what does your uncle do?

3.can you write a letter to me in english?


i works in a bank so i can see much money everyday.

what does your uncle do?


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