我今天要講一個故事。 today,i'm going to talk about a story.
我要為大家講一個故事。i'd like to share a story with us.
我的故事講完了。it is the end.
我今天要講一個故事。today, i talk about a story.
我要為大家講一個故事.i want to tell you a story.
我的故事講完了。i finished the story.
i today needs to say a storyi want to be that you says a story
my story has finished .
you are to need to give a lecture.(你是要演講吧)
hope can arrive at you group.(希望可以幫到你)
i will tell about a story.
i will tell a story to you.
i finish my story.
i'm going to talk about a story,today.
i will tell you a story.
my story has finished
a a 午後 時間 b 何時?a 2時 私服 買 一緒 b 1時半 c 一緒 映畫 見 予定 a 大丈夫。b 平和広場 店 行 a 行 b 學校 前 駅 1番線 平和広場 降 a 様子 見 行 午後楽 遊 b a 我想應該是關係好的朋友所以用的簡體,若需要的是敬體 a a 午後 都合 宜 b 何時 ...
你不值得為任何 眼淚,值得讓你為他流眼淚的人不會讓你哭 不要因為結束而哭,要微笑,為那曾經的美好 生命就像純純的火焰,我們的內心都有看不見的暖陽 沒有人值得你為他哭泣,而那個值得的人,不會讓你哭。請你別哭,因為不幸已經過去,請你微笑,因為它結束了。生活是一縷純淨的火焰,我們心中燃燒著無形的太陽。沒有...
with mankind on earth since,the earth has become mankind s home.in the struggle with human nature,constantly acquire consumer information and material...