five - we will rock you
buddy you're a boy
make a big noise playin' in the street
gonna be a big man some day
ya' got blood on ya' face,big disgrace
kicking your can all over the place
singing we will,we will rock you (ha ha)
we will,we will rock you
keep the beat up,wh,i'm gonna turn the the heat up
gonna get you,gonna burn your feet up
rockin' you,like i never rocked you before
like the way you do,i got you screaming for more
we're causin' utter devistation
when we steppin' to the place
and better believe that you can see
we're gonna rock and never stop
and here we go again
hit you with the flow again
kick it up the second time around
we'll bring it on again - shout it out
we will,we will rock you
we will,we will rock you
we will,we will rock you
buddy you're an old man,poor man
pleading with your eyes
gonna make you something someday
ya' got blood on your face,big disgrace
somebody better put you back in your place
singing we will,we will rock you
we will,we will rock you
we will,we will rock you
在歌曲we will rock you中說唱部分的歌詞是什麼?
求we will rock you 歌詞諧音,帶rap的 謝謝
你要寫rap的詞?! 還是找一首歌?!
we will rock you的歌詞,要中英文對照的
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奏定學堂章程 清朝 頒佈的關於學制系統的檔案。光緒二十九年 1903年 由張百熙 張之洞 榮慶等奏擬。這年為癸卯年,所以又稱 癸卯學制 除規定學制系統外,還訂立了學校管理法 教授法及學校設定辦法等,施行至辛亥革命為止。它包括 學務綱要 大學堂章程 附 通儒院章程 優級師範學堂章程 初級師範學堂章程 ...
寬容是一束陽光,能照亮人們心中的黑暗,融化人們心頭的堅冰 寬容是一提清水,能抹去人們滿腔的憤怒,滋潤人們心田的乾涸 寬容是一縷花香,能驅散人們胸中的鬱結,薰陶人們心靈的馨香。他的心比海還要寬闊,比草原還要遼遠,比山川還要高大。寬容是消除人與人之間磨擦的潤滑劑,是消除彼此間猜疑積雪的陽光,是溝通彼此間...