now that you can write about the affection, you are no longer interested in it.
when you could write all these out,then it shows that you've no more interest in this relation.
when you wrote these out, it meant that you had no interesting in this relationship at all.
1.超速罰款單 1.speeding fines alone2.過馬路 2.to cross the road 3.在交通燈處 3.in the light signals4.生病了 4.was sick.5.在8月9日的早晨 5.in the morning of august 96.在六月 6....
split share structuresecurities shareholders reform the allocation of resourcesshare trading reform 蕃茄小精靈 股權分置 to float the non tradable sharesequity ...
寫出下面英語諺語對應的漢語,英語諺語 翻譯成漢語
有志者事竟成。問題皆有兩面。糾正一下,是 there are two sides to every question.行業皆有行規。有生命的地方就有希望。家家都有一本難唸的經。金窩銀窩不如自己的狗窩。學習無捷徑。糾正一下,是 there is no royal road to learning.鑑定...