
時間 2022-03-10 18:45:27


option explicit

public function str18(num as string) as double

dim i&, l&, lstart&

dim stemp$, dtemp#, dtemp2#

if num = vbnullstring then exit function

lstart = instr(1, num, "(")

do while lstart > 0

if lstart > 1 then

if instr(1, "(*+-/", mid$(num, lstart - 1, 1)) <= 0 then goto 10

end if

stemp = getinners(num, lstart + 1)

l = len(stemp)

stemp = cstr(str18(stemp))

num = mid$(num, 1, lstart - 1) & stemp & mid$(num, lstart + l + 2)

10: lstart = instr(lstart + 1, num, "(")


lstart = instrrev(num, "int(")

do while lstart > 0

stemp = getinners(num, lstart + 4)

l = len(stemp)

stemp = cstr(int(str18(stemp)))

num = mid$(num, 1, lstart - 1) & stemp & mid$(num, lstart + l + 5)

lstart = instrrev(num, "int(", lstart)


lstart = instr(2, num, "+")

if lstart > 0 then

dtemp = str18(mid$(num, lstart + 1))

dtemp2 = str18(left$(num, lstart - 1))

str18 = dtemp + dtemp2: exit function

end if

lstart = instr(2, num, "-")

if lstart > 0 then

if instr(1, "(*+-/", mid$(num, lstart - 1, 1)) <= 0 then

dtemp = str18(mid$(num, lstart + 1))

dtemp2 = str18(left$(num, lstart - 1))

str18 = dtemp2 - dtemp: exit function

end if

end if

lstart = instr(1, num, "*")

if lstart > 0 then

dtemp = str18(mid$(num, lstart + 1))

dtemp2 = str18(left$(num, lstart - 1))

str18 = dtemp * dtemp2: exit function

end if

lstart = instr(1, num, "/")

if lstart > 0 then

dtemp = str18(mid$(num, lstart + 1))

'if dtemp = 0 then exit function

dtemp2 = str18(left$(num, lstart - 1))

str18 = dtemp2 / dtemp: exit function

end if

lstart = instr(1, num, "^")

if lstart > 0 then

dtemp = str18(mid$(num, lstart + 1))

dtemp2 = str18(left$(num, lstart - 1))

str18 = dtemp2 ^ dtemp: exit function

end if

if left$(num, 1) = "-" then

str18 = -1 * val(mid$(num, 2))


str18 = val(num)

end if

end function

private function getinners(str$, lstart&) as string


dim i&, stemp as string * 1, k%, l&

l = len(str)

for i = lstart to l

stemp = mid$(str, i, 1)

select case stemp

case "(": k = k + 1

case ")": k = k - 1

end select

if k = -1 then exit for


if i <= l then getinners = mid$(str, lstart, i - lstart)

end function

最好寫在模組中 哦~~~~~[注,來自vbgood 很久前的了 誰的我也忘了]

利用vb製作一個簡單科學計算器 設計與實現 (1) 完成加、減、乘、除、乘方、開方和求倒數的計算 5





vb製作一個簡單科學計算器 。。我能搞定。。



private sub command1_click(index as integer)

select case index

case 0 to 9

if firstnum then

strnum1 = str(index)

firstnum = false


strnum1 = strnum1 & trim(str(index))

end if

text1.text = strnum1

case 10

if not pointflag thenif firstnum = true thenstrnum1 = "0."

firstnum = false


strnum1 = strnum1 + "."

end if

pointflag = true

text1.text = strnum1

end if

case 11

if not signflag then

strnum1 = text1.text

equal = val(strnum1)


call run

end if

firstnum = true

pointflag = false

signflag = false

case 12 to 15

firstnum = true

pointflag = false

if signflag then

call run


signflag = true

strnum2 = strnum1

strnum1 = ""

end if

runsign = index - 11

case else

call cleardata

end select

end sub





option explicit

dim strnumber as string

dim strpoint as string

dim dblnum1 as double

dim intoperator as integer


private sub cmdgt_click()

txtdisplay.text = "0."

strnumber = ""

strpoint = "."

intoperator = 7

end sub


private sub cmdnumber_click(index as integer)

strnumber = strnumber & cmdnumber(index).caption

txtdisplay.text = strnumber & strpoint

end sub

private sub cmdonoff_click()

endend sub


private sub cmdoperator_click(index as integer)

dim dblnum2 as double


if intoperator = 7 then

dblnum1 = cdbl(txtdisplay.text)


dblnum2 = cdbl(val(txtdisplay.text))



select case intoperator

case 0

dblnum1 = dblnum1 + dblnum2

case 1

dblnum1 = dblnum1 - dblnum2

case 2

dblnum1 = dblnum1 * dblnum2

case 3

if dblnum2 <> 0 then

dblnum1 = dblnum1 / dblnum2


msgbox "除數不能為「0」!請重新輸入除數。", vbokonly + vbinformation, "除零錯誤"

index = intoperator

end if

case 6

dblnum1 = dblnum1 * dblnum2 / 100

end select

end if


intoperator = index

strnumber = ""

txtdisplay = cstr(dblnum1)


if not txtdisplay like "*.*" then

txtdisplay.text = txtdisplay.text & "."

end if

end sub

private sub cmdotheroper_click(index as integer)

dim dblnum as double


dblnum = cdbl(val(txtdisplay.text))

select case index

case 0


if dblnum >= 0 then

txtdisplay.text = cstr(sqr(dblnum))


msgbox "負數不能開平方根!", _

vbokonly + vbcritical, "開平方根錯誤"

end if

case 1

txtdisplay.text = cstr(dblnum ^ 2)

end select


if not txtdisplay like "*.*" then

txtdisplay.text = txtdisplay.text & "."

end if

end sub

private sub cmdpoint_click()

strnumber = strnumber & strpoint

strpoint = ""

end sub

private sub form_keydown(keycode as integer, shift as integer)


select case keycode

case 48 to 57

cmdnumber(keycode - 48).setfocus

case 96 to 105

cmdnumber(keycode - 96).setfocus

case else


if keycode = 107 or (shift = vbshiftmask and keycode = 187) then


cmdoperator_click (0)

elseif keycode = 109 or keycode = 189 then


cmdoperator_click (1)

elseif keycode = 106 or (shift = vbshiftmask and keycode = 56) then


cmdoperator_click (2)

elseif keycode = 111 or keycode = 191 then


cmdoperator_click (3)

elseif keycode = 13 then


cmdoperator_click (7)

elseif keycode = 8 then


call cmdgt_click

end if

end select

end sub

private sub form_keypress(keyascii as integer)


select case keyascii

case 48 to 58


cmdnumber_click keyascii - 48

keyascii = 0

case 46



keyascii = 0

case 13

'當敲擊回車時,不能觸發form的 keyup 事件,因此在這裡設定文字框的焦點


case else

keyascii = 0

end select

end sub

private sub form_keyup(keycode as integer, shift as integer)


end sub

private sub form_load()

strnumber = ""

strpoint = "."

intoperator = 7

end sub

關於VB表示式運算的,VB中 表示式運算順序

在表示式中,當運算子不止一種時,要先處理算術運算子,接著處理比較運算子,然後再處理邏輯運算子。算術 比較 邏輯 指數運算 相等 not 負數 不等 and 乘法和除法 小於 or 整數除法 大於 xor 求模運算 mod 小於或相等 eqv 加法和減法 大於或相等 imp 字串連線 like is ...


表示式 就是指有兩個或兩個以上的式子,通過一種或多種運算子連線起來如 a 5 a a 1 a not a if a b 基本上 所有的你都可以理解為 表示式 with語句就是指可以在同一個物件中設定屬性,也就是少打物件名 就好像是一個公式!vb字串表示式是什麼意思 上面這個就是一個字串表示式 vb字...


不周期彗星 1 x y小於10 且 x y要大於0 x y 10 and x y 0 2 x.y都是正整數或都是負整數 int x x and int y y and sng x sng y 3 a.b之一為零但不得同時為零 a 0 or b 0 and a b 4 c1 c2 c3大於等於255或...