success is what lots of people dream of,but it is not that easy for us to achieve success.here's some ways to success:
1,you must decide what you want,that is to say,you should set a goal;
2,write down your goal and plan very realistic and flexible;
3,do some activities to put your plans into practice!4,put pressure on yourself to finish your planson time or in advance!if you really can do the things as above,you will be on the way of success.
if you truly want to besuccessful,just do it now.
一篇英語作文、題目:如何做一個成功的學生 30
success is what lots of people dream of,but it is not that easy
for us to achieve success.here's some ways to success:1,you must decide
what you want,that is to say,you should set a goal;2,write down your
goal and plan very realistic and flexible;3,do some activities to put
your plans into practice!4,put pressure on yourself to finish your plans
on time or in advance!if you really can do the things as above,you will
be on the way of success.if you truly want to be successful,just do it
now.答案補充 成功是很多人的夢想,但是它不是那麼簡單就可以實現的.有一些成功的方法:1
急!求英語作文 題目為how to protect ours
http www.rrting.com english yyxw 這裡有幾百篇英語作文,希望能幫到你,要給分喔 howtoprotectourselves為題,寫一篇不少於80字的英語短文 how to protect ourselves英語作文 no matter who you are what...
求作文題目是走出困境,求一篇作文 題目是走出困境
生命如花 成功的花兒,人們只驚羨它現時的美麗。然而,當初它的芽兒卻浸透了奮鬥的淚水,灑遍了犧牲的血雨 冰心 題記 的確,只有花兒經過了風雨的洗禮才會有嬌豔的容貌贏得眾人的讚賞。嬌豔的花兒都是經得起風雨摧殘,走出了風雨的困境才能擁有今日的榮耀。捧著 我與地壇 彷彿看到了那個折腿青年在輪椅上沉思的樣子 ...
求30 的英語作文題目是《My class》快
苦笑約定 my class i m a student there are 23 desks and chairs in my classroom.and there are 6 windows on the wall.there are 43 students are in classroom.c...