廣告advertisement條形碼bar code文化差異culture shocks汽車製造業motor industry公司歷史history of a company消費者consumer競爭者competitor客戶求助**customer helping hotline電子商務electronic commerce創始人founder控股公司holding company母公司parent company子公司subsidiary company跨國公司multinational company資訊科技information technology(it)飛行時差jet lag包裝package管理顧問management consultant產品範圍range of products產品政策policy of products產品系列series of products購物中心shopping center,shopping mall**商supplier商家bussinessmen usp產品獨售賣點the only usp products sales place
ads,code bar,culture deviation,auto industrial,company history,competitor,consumer,hot line of customer service,e-business,initiator,holding company,subsidiary,parent company,multinational corporation,it,jet lag,package,management consultant,products scope,product development,products line,shopping mall,supplier,business associates,sole agency of usp
廣告: advertising, advertisment
條形碼: bar code
文化差異: cultural gap/ cultural difference
汽車製造業: automotive manufacturing
公司歷史: company history
競爭者: competitor
客戶求助**:customer service hot line
電子商務: electronic commercial service
創始人: founder
控股公司: controlling company
母公司: mother company
跨過公司:multi-national company
資訊科技: it/ information technology
飛行時差:time lag (of flight)
包裝: packing
管理顧問:management consultant
產品範圍: product range
產品政策: product policy
產品系列: product series
購物中心: shopping mall, shopping center
**商: supplier
商家: businessman/ commercial entity
usp產品獨售賣點: usp product exclusive distributor/retailer
消費者: comsumer
條形碼:bar code
文化差異:culture impact
汽車製造業:auto industry/motor industry公司歷史:company histroy
消費者:consumer/customer客戶求助**:client serving hot line電子商務:
electronic commerce/ec創始人:founder/initiator控股公司:holding company
母公司:parent company
子公司:filiale /subsidiary company跨國公司:mnc/multinational資訊科技:
information technology飛行時差:flight time difference包裝:packing /package
管理顧問:management consultant產品範圍:range of products產品政策:product policy
產品系列:product line
購物中心:shopping center
**商: supplier
商家:merchants/traders/dealersusp產品獨售賣點:the only usp product on sale
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