1.you don't need any water supplyment, unless you feel thirsty.
2.our ball team will not lose, unless we meet with the german team.
3.i can't keep a dog, unless my parents agree.
4.i won't buy an iphone, unless the price is lower than500.
you cant eat it,unless wash your hands
st dtische luftqualit t wird immer schlimmer,so erh ht atemwegsinfektion 你看看可能幫上你。請幫我把下列的句子翻譯成德語 幾個德語句子翻譯 問題補充在下面.等等 在這裡可以得到一間自己的屋子,外國學生覺得這個非常好。在 這裡vo...
12月26日魔羯座 子在川上曰 逝者如斯夫,不捨晝夜。孔老夫子在河岸上看著浩浩蕩蕩 洶湧向前的河水說 時間就像這奔流的河水一樣,不論白天黑夜不停地流逝。詞 目 人無遠慮,必有近憂 發 音 r n w yu n l b y u j n y u釋 義 慮 考慮 憂 憂愁。人沒有長遠的考慮,一定會出現眼前...
1全部1.he washed his clothes by hand.did he wash his clothes by hand?yes,he did.no,he didn t.he didn t wash his clothes by hand.2.kate did her homework ...