his name is sam 對畫線部分提問

時間 2021-05-04 02:16:28



1、劃線是:sam 時是

what is his name ? 他叫什麼名字?

2、劃線是:his 時是

whose name is sam ? 誰的名字叫sam?

3、劃線是:his name 時是

who is sam ? 誰是sam ?


1、問時間用what time / when 。

如:he goes to school at eight every day . -> what time does he go to school every day ?

2、問地點用where 。

如: he comes from china . -> where does he come from ?

3、問原因用why 。

如:he didn't come to school today because he was ill .-> why didn't he come to school today ?

4、問物、職業、星期、日期等用what 。

如: this is a book .-> what is this ?

he is a teacher . -> what is he ?

5、問怎麼樣用how 。

如: he goes to school on foot . -> how does he go to school ?


what is his name? 答案

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