有首英語歌曲中有句歌詞是i will never fall in love again是什麼歌的名字

時間 2021-11-04 12:31:10



burt bacharach / elvis costello

i'll never fall in love again lyrics

send 「i'll never fall in love again」 ringtone to your cell

what do you get when you fall in love?

a guy with a pin to burst your bubble

that's what you get for all your trouble

i'll never fall in love again

i'll never fall in love again

what do you get when you kiss a girl

you get enough germs to catch pneumonia

after you do, she'll never phone you

i'll never fall in love again

i'll never fall in love again

don't tell me what it's all about

'cause i've been there and i'm glad i'm out

out of those chains those chains that bind you

that is why i'm here to remind you

what do you get when you give your heart

you get it all broken up and battered

that's what you get, a heart that's shattered

i'll never fall in love again

i'll never fall in love again

out of those chains those chains that bind you

that is why i'm here to remind you

what do you get when you fall in love?

you only get lies and pain and sorrow

so for at least until tomorrow

i'll never fall in love again

i'll never fall in love again

i'll never fall in love again

i'll never fall in love again

求一首英文歌,大概是fall in love again什麼的,


jessica simpson唱的

to fall in love again她另一首歌when you told me you loved me我挺喜歡,正在找類似的歌就找你這來了。


i'li never fall ln love again



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歌詞是 我愛你愛到花兒謝了,鳥兒把歌唱,愛到牛郎織女為我們點頭,歌名叫一定要愛你。是由歌手田一龍演唱的。歌詞部分 雖然我們相識的日子還是短暫的,可是我已深深把你來愛了,你的天真和你的純情已把我吸引了,你就是我夢中美麗的天使,我知道你是一個天真善良溫柔的女孩 真的希望自己能夠配上你,如果你能給我機會讓...