NBA勁爆體育中場插播的歌曲開始歌詞是No matter way剛開始時羅伊進場

時間 2021-09-20 22:04:01





詞:lisa ono/bill cantos 曲:lisa ono/bill cantos

編曲:dori caymmi/romero lubambo/mario adnet 製作:lisa ono

no matter where you are

at every bend in the road

remember, near or far

you've got family to share your load

the trip may not be bliss

we laugh, we yell, and we cry

but i can tell you this

we will never ever say goodbye

and even if the weather changes on a dime

we always stand together - call me anytime

we can chase the thunder out of your sky

i promise you at least we'll try...

so when your hope is gone

just look around and you'll see

we're here to cheer you on

that's what family was meant to be

so be hapy that you're stuck with me

'cause there's nothing like a family





詞:lisa ono/bill cantos 曲:lisa ono/bill cantos

編曲:dori caymmi/romero lubambo/mario adnet 製作:lisa ono

no matter where you are

at every bend in the road

remember, near or far

you've got family to share your load

the trip may not be bliss

we laugh, we yell, and we cry

but i can tell you this

we will never ever say goodbye

and even if the weather changes on a dime

we always stand together - call me anytime

we can chase the thunder out of your sky

i promise you at least we'll try...

so when your hope is gone

just look around and you'll see

we're here to cheer you on

that's what family was meant to be

so be hapy that you're stuck with me

'cause there's nothing like a family




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