求一首歌!!歌詞you are everything,everything is you

時間 2021-05-06 06:30:10


就叫 you are everything


這首歌叫you are everything

找一首歌,歌詞裡有you are my everything


my destiny

一首英文歌,歌詞中有everything is you,重複了好多遍的


if i aint got you

alicia key

some people live for the fortune

some people live for just for the fame

some people live for the power(yeah)

some people live just to play the game

some people think that the physical things define

what's within and i bet that before

that life's adore are full of the superficial

some people want it all

but i don't want nothing all

if it ain't you baby ,if i ain't got you baby

some people want diamond rings

some just want everything

but everything means nothing

if i ain't got you


some people search for a fountain

promises are forever yours

some people need the dozen roses

that's the only way you prove you love them

hand me the world

on a silver platter

then what a what good it would be

no one to share

no one who truly cares for me

some people want it all

but i don't want nothing all

if it ain't you baby, if i ain't got you baby

some people want diamons rings

some just want everything

but everything is nothing if i ain't got you

some people want it all

but i don't want nothing all

if it ain't you baby, if i ain't got you baby

some people want diamons rings

some just want everything

but everything is nothing if i ain't got you


if i ain't got you with me baby

ain't nothing in this whole

wide world don't mean a thing

if i ain't got you with me baby


英文名:look at you girl

歌手: chris ledoux

求一首歌,男歌手唱的。歌詞經常出現you『re my everything,聽起來挺舊的


angela winbush : you're my everything

求一首英文歌,裡面有句you are my everything,男聲的,應該是首抒情的歌。



《everything》王力巨集 是麼


su***ce - you are my everything


旌旗如紅 山堆疊如峰 這軍隊蜿蜒如龍 殺氣如風 血色如酒紅 將軍我傲氣如衝 神色悍如凶 甲如忠 鐵騎剽悍我行如轟如轟 景色如冬 蕭瑟如楓 攻勢如弓 魂斷猶如夢中一靜一動 如鬆 千年不變 如空 如空 如空血染盔甲我揮淚殺滿城菊花誰的天下 宮廷之上狼煙風沙 生死不過一刀的疤 仇恨綿延如火 愁入眉頭如鎖 ...


不愛熱鬧的人 曲 側田 詞 姚謙 我愛你好大的口氣 自己都心虛 只會傻傻看你 話講不完一句 點頭 微笑 撥發 和招呼手勢 你細微動作我都牢牢記心裡 還有誰讓我目不轉睛 除了你還是你 在這整個世界裡 還有誰能瓦解我自信 連夢裡遇見你 都會目不轉睛 我不明白到底什麼原因 下一秒 說愛你 原諒我的情不自禁...


斐素華 奔跑演唱 羽泉 作曲 羽泉 作詞 黃徵 編曲 胡海泉 速度七十邁 心情是自由自在 希望終點是愛琴海 全力奔跑夢在彼岸 我們想漫遊世界 看奇蹟就在眼前 等待夕陽染紅了天 肩並著肩許下心願 隨風奔跑自由是方向 追逐雷和閃電的力量 把浩瀚的海洋裝進我胸膛 即使再小的帆也能遠航 隨風飛翔有夢作翅膀 ...