
時間 2022-10-09 19:45:05


in beijing, 2004, the total weight of discarded electric equipment was up to 100 thousand tons, among which tv sets, refrigerators, air conditioners and computers counted 31.6 million and mobile phones counted 2 million.


in 2004, the beijing television, the electric refrigerator, the washer, the air-conditioner and the computer discard the quantity is 3.16 million, the handset discards the quantity is 2 million,and the total nearly 100,000 tons.


龍驤藍羽 應是 惟願孩兒愚且魯,無災無難到公卿。出自蘇軾 洗兒 惟願孩兒愚且魯 愚是愚昧 愚笨,愚昧無知,魯是遲鈍 笨拙,反應遲鈍。只希望自己的兒子愚笨遲鈍,無災無難到公卿 沒有災難,沒有禍患,而做到公卿。實際上這是反諷,因為現在的公卿宰相,都是一些只會保持權位,毫無治國才具的人。翻譯一句話 古文 ...

麻煩翻譯一句話,謝謝,麻煩翻譯一句話 謝謝了!!

儘管這個技術對於連線廣泛分佈的偏遠或山區的農村是非常有用的,在現有分佈廣泛的 和電報系統的擁有密集建築物的地區,使用國內衛星被陸地網路 固定 運營商認為是不公平競爭.麻煩翻譯一句話,謝謝 aibo 索尼的一隻寵物 有裱好的照相機,人工智慧能力那包括知識功能哪個允許它到響應到外部的stimuli和製造...


is the summer here hotter than that in your country?is it hotter in summer here than that in your country?is the summer here hoter than it in your cou...