VB程式設計將6 100之間的全部偶數表示為兩個素數之和,在列表

時間 2021-09-01 20:52:08


private sub command1_click()dim a as integer, b as integerdim i as integer, j as integerdim k as integer

a = 6

b = 100


for i = a to b step 2for j = 2 to i / 2

if prime(j) and prime(i - j) thenk = k + 1

list1.additem cstr(k) & ": " & cstr(i) & "=" & cstr(j) & "+" & cstr(i - j) '修改這裡的**就行了

end if

next j

next i

label1.caption = "6~100之間有" & cstr(k) & "對素數和"

end sub


private function prime(n as integer) as boolean

dim i as integer

if n = 1 then

exit function

elseif n = 2 then

prime = true

exit function

elseif n mod 2 = 0 thenexit function

end if

for i = 3 to sqr(n) step 2if n mod i = 0 then exit functionnext i

prime = true

end function






function pdsu(a as integer) as integer

dim b as integer: dim i as integer

if a <= 3 then

pdsu = 1


b = a \ 2

for i = 2 to b

if (a mod i) = 0 then

pdsu = 0: exit function

exit for

end if

next i

pdsu = 1

end if

end function

private sub command1_click()

dim m as integer

dim n as integer

dim i as integer

dim s as integer

s = 0

for i = 6 to 100 step 2

for m = 2 to i - 2

n = i - m

if (pdsu(m) = 1) and (pdsu(n) = 1) then

list1.additem str(i) & "=" & str(m) & "+" & str(n): s = s + 1

exit for

end if

next m

next i

label1.caption = "6-100間共有" & str(s) & "對素數和"

end sub



vb程式設計 利用隨機函式產生10 99之間的隨機整數

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