select field001,sum(field002) as field002 from t2 group by field001;
select field001,sum(field002) as field002 from t3 group by field001;
3、將上面兩個查詢結果作為結果集和 t1 相關聯,求出最終結果:
select t1.field001,t2.field002,t3.field002
from t1,
(select field001,sum(field002) as field002 from t2 group by field001) t2,
(select field001,sum(field002) as field002 from t3 group by field001) t3
where t1.field001=t2.field001
and t1.field001=t3.field001;
a 5 2
b 2 7
a.field002 as t1_field002,
isnull(b.field002,0) as t2_field002,
isnull(c.field002,0) as t3_field002
from t1 as a
left join (select field001,sum(field002) as field002 from t2 group by field001)b on a.field001=b.field002
left join (select field001,sum(field002) as field002 from t3 group by field001)c on a.field001=c.field002
select t1.field002,test1.sum1,test2.sum2 from t1
inner join
(select field001,sum(field002) as sum1 from t2 group by field001) test1
on t1.field001=test1.field001
inner join
(select field001,sum(field002) as sum2 from t3 group by field001) test2
on t1.field001=test2.field001;
sql@kokooa>select t1.field002,test1.sum1,test2.sum2 from t1
2 inner join
3 (select field001,sum(field002) as sum1 from t2 group by field001) test1
4 on t1.field001=test1.field001
5 inner join
6 (select field001,sum(field002) as sum2 from t3 group by field001) test2
7 on t1.field001=test2.field001;
field002 sum1 sum2
---------- ---------- ----------
101 5 2
102 2 7
為了方便 a,bjiu用101,102代替了
mysql下估計能運動。。 orcal肯定不行。...差不多這意思。我也沒仔細去寫
(select distinct(field001) as field001 from t1) a ((select distinct(field001) as field001 from t1) b left join
(select t2.field001,sum(field002) from t1,t2 where t1.field001=t2.
field001 group by t2.field001) c where b.field001 =c.
field001 ) left join on
(select t2.field001,sum(field002) from t1,t3 where t1.field001=t3.
field001 group by t3.field001) d where a.field001 =d.
field001 )
select a.field002,sum(b.field002) ,sum(c.field002) from t1 a,t2 b,t3 c
where a.field001=b.field001 and c.field001=a.field001
group by a.field002
select a.field002, b.sum1, c.sum2from t1 a
join (select field001, sum(field002) as sum1 from t2) b on a.field001=b.field001
join (select field001, sum(field002) as sum2 from t3) c on a.field001=c.field001
select t1.field002,a.sum ,b.
sumfrom t1,(select field001,sum(field002) sum from t3 groupb by field001) a,
(select field001,sum(field002) sum from t2 groupb by field001) b
where a.field001=b.field001 and t1.field001=a.field001;
select field002,(select isnull(sum(field002),0) from t2 where field001 = t1.field001),select isnull(sum(field002),0) from t3 where field001 = t1.field001)
from t1
select a.field001,b.s1,c.s2from t1 a,(select field001,sun(field002) s1
from t2 group by field001) b,(select field001,sun(field002) s2
from t3 group by field001) cwhere a.field001=b.field001 and b.field001=c.field001
select id,userid,platform,time,reward serven,reward thirty from kids activity order by reward thirty desc不知道你是不是這個意思。按,reward thirty排序。select count t2...
如果只是單純這幾條資料的話 select t.id,max case when rn 1 then 手術名 end 第一次手術,max case when rn 1 then 手術時間 end 第一次手術時間,max case when rn 1 then 記錄時間 end 第一次記錄時間,max ...
sql語句 包含怎麼寫,SQL語句 包含怎麼寫
使用sql 萬用字元可以替代一個或多個字元,即模糊查詢,也就是包含關係。sql 萬用字元必須與 like 運算子一起使用。在 sql 中,可使用以下萬用字元如下 1 替代一個或多個字元 2 僅替代一個字元 3 charlist 字元列中的任何單一字元 4 charlist 或者 charlist 不...