private sub command1_click()
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
label1.caption = ""
dim aa(1 to 4, 1 to 4) as integer, bb(1 to 4, 1 to 4) as integer
text1.text = "交換前的資料" & vbcrlf
for i = 1 to 4
for j = 1 to 4
aa(i, j) = int(rnd * 89 + 11)
bb(i, j) = aa(i, j)
text1.text = text1.text & aa(i, j) & space(2) '顯示交換前的資料
next j
text1.text = text1.text & vbcrlf
next i
for i = 1 to 4
for j = 1 to 4
if j = 2 then
bb(i, j + 2) = aa(i, j) '將第二行資料儲存到第四行
elseif j = 4 then
bb(i, j - 2) = aa(i, j) '將第四行資料儲存到第二行
end if
next j
next i
text2.text = "交換後的資料" & vbcrlf
for i = 1 to 4
for j = 1 to 4
text2.text = text2.text & bb(i, j) & space(2) '顯示交換後的資料
next j
text2.text = text2.text & vbcrlf
next i
end sub
private sub command2_click()
label1.caption = ""
dim xx as string, yy as string, kk as integer, dd() as string, kk1 as integer
xx = text1.text
yy = text2.text
if len(xx) <= 5 then
msgbox "文字框1輸入的字元不能小於5個字元!"
exit sub
end if
if len(yy) <> 1 then
msgbox "文字框2輸入的字元必須是1個字元!"
exit sub
end if
kk = len(xx)
redim dd(1 to kk)
kk1 = 0
for i = 1 to kk
dd(i) = right(left(xx, i), 1)
if asc(dd(i)) = asc(yy) then kk1 = kk1 + 1
next i
label1.caption = "文字框1中包含" & yy & "字元有" & kk1 & "個。"
end sub
private a(1 to 4, 1 to 5) as integer
private sub switcharre(byval aindex as integer, byval bindex as integer)
dim i, k as integer
for i = 1 to 5
k = a(aindex, i)
a(aindex, i) = a(bindex, i)
a(bindex, i) = k
next i
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim i, j, imax, imin, imaxindex, iminindex, isum as integer
for i = 1 to 4
isum = 0
for j = 1 to 5
k = int(rnd * 100)
if k < 10 then k = k + 10
a(i, j) = k
isum = isum + k
next j
picture1.print a(i, 1), a(i, 2), a(i, 3), a(i, 4), a(i, 5)
next i
switcharre 1, 3
for i = 1 to 4
k = 0
for j = 1 to 5
k = a(i, j) + k
next j
if i = 1 then
imax = k
imin = k
imaxindex = i
iminindex = i
if k > imax then
imax = k
imaxindex = i
if k < imin then
imin = k
iminindex = i
end if
end if
end if
next i
switcharre imaxindex, iminindex
for i = 1 to 4
picture2.print a(i, 1), a(i, 2), a(i, 3), a(i, 4), a(i, 5)
next i
end sub
注意事項:在visual basic 6.0中,採用物件導向程式設計方法(object-oriented programming),把程式和資料封裝起來作為一個物件,每個物件都是可視的。
private sub command1_click()
dim i as integer, j as integer, a(1 to 3, 1 to 4) as integer, x as integer
'i、j、x 是變數,a(1 to 3, 1 to 4)是二維陣列變數
for i = 1 to 3 'i是迴圈變數,這
for j = 1 to 4 'j是迴圈變數,這裡迴圈4次
randomize '重新整理隨機數種子
a(i, j) = int(rnd * 90 + 10) '產生隨機數,儲存在a陣列中
x = x + a(i, j) '計算陣列的和
print a(i, j) & " "; '列印陣列的值
next j 'j迴圈結束
print '列印換行
next i 'i迴圈結束
print '設定一個空行
print "3*4陣列的和 = " & x '列印陣列的和
print "平均值 = " & round((x / ((i - 1) * (j - 1))), 2) '列印平均值,取小數後二位
end sub
private sub command1_click()print "請輸入一個3*4的二維陣列"
dim a(3, 4)
for i = 1 to 3
for j = 1 to 4
x = val(inputbox("請輸入a(" & i & "," & j & "):"))
a(i, j) = x
s = s + a(i, j)
print a(i, j),
next j
next i
print "元素總和="; s
print "平均值="; s / 12
end sub
C語言請編寫程式實現以下功能 在字串中所有數字字元前加一
問明 include int fun char s char t 80 int i,j for i 0 s i i 將串s拷貝至串t t i s i t i 0 for i 0,j 0 t i i 對於數字字元先寫一個 符號,再寫該數字字元 if t i 0 t i 9 s j s j t i 對於...
C語言請編寫程式實現以下功能 在字串中所有數字字元前加一
問明 include int fun char s char t 80 int i,j for i 0 s i i 將串s拷貝至串t t i s i t i 0 for i 0,j 0 t i i 對於數字字元先寫一個 符號,再寫該數字字元 if t i 0 t i 9 s j s j t i 對於...
vb6 0怎麼實現以下功能
資料庫你應該會連線了。dim l as integer do until rs.eof if len rs.fields 專有名詞 l then l rs.fields 專有名詞 假設你的欄位是專有名詞 rs.movenext loop 這段用來獲取專有名詞的最大長度dim i j k dim st...