英語作文翻譯Lucy和Lily,英語作文翻譯 Lucy和Lily

時間 2022-07-18 04:35:05


1, lucy and lily are twins, they are eleven years old now.

2, when they were five, lucy can riding bike and writing, but lily couldn't, she can swimming, reading the story books, they all can play the disco and ballet now.


lucy and lily are twins, and they are 11 years old. when they are five years old, lucy can ride a bicycle and write; but lily only can swim and reading the story books. now, both of them can dance disco and ballet.


lucy and lily are twins,they are 11 years old now.

when they were five,lucy could ride bicycle and write,but lily couldn't,she could swim, read story books.now they both can play disco and ballet.


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