VB用exit do語句,產生隨機的兩位數,當偶數的個數為6的時候結束

時間 2021-08-11 17:10:57


private sub form_click()static i as integer

static j as integer

static k as integer

k = 0

j = 0



dok = k + 1

i = (rnd() * 90 + 10) mod 100me.print i;

if i mod 2 = 0 then

j = j + 1

me.print "*"



end if

if j = 6 then exit dodoevents

loop while 1

me.print "共產生了" & k & "個隨機數"

end sub


option explicit

sub test()

dim i as integer, tem as integerdotem = int(rnd * 100)if tem mod 2 <> 0 then tem = tem + 1

i = i + 1

if i > 6 then exit doprint tem


end sub


那就用exit do做啊,for,while,do。。。while,看一下這幾個迴圈用法就知道了


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