
時間 2021-07-13 10:18:41


lengyansi park is big and good-looking, where there are many trees, flowers and a great lakes. in the middle of the park ,there is a small river before. middle creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in.

planted with almond trees around the park, a tree covered with sweet fruit. in front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers.


樹影搖曳丨 我家鄉的景物可多了,有美麗的金花茶公園 高大的白沙大橋,像花朵一樣的會展中心 我最喜歡的是美麗的金花茶公園,因為公園裡遍地都是 廳。清晨,那裡空氣清新,鳥語花香,小魚在池塘裡游來游去,不時吐出幾個泡泡,像在歡迎我們的到來 枝頭的小鳥嘰嘰喳喳,唱著優美動聽的樂曲 樹葉大廳上更是一派快樂的景...


律高陽 在公園裡,有一處美麗的景色。在眼前,有一條碧綠的小河在緩緩流淌,幾棵茂盛的小樹傍著綠水長出來,凝望著碧波盪漾的小河中的一切,有從遠處漂來的樹葉,有河裡的自己的影子,還有水中歡躍的魚兒 向遠看,小河旁有一片綠油油的草地,它不甘單調,請來了花妹妹來幫她打扮。那一朵朵花雲似的灑在了草地上面,在陽光...

英語口語作文 介紹朋友,用英語介紹自己的好朋友

jane is my friend.she is 9 years old.she is tall with big eyes and blond hair.she comes from america.she speaks very good english but her chinese is v...