譯文 英語,允許出錯!拒絕網路翻譯器翻譯

時間 2022-09-10 01:10:41


not to be the dumb lamb

now it's time for us to be active, never and ever to be dumb and silent. lamb is somewhat a vivid pronoun. it's the very early stage of youth, nothing is so well-known as the former, and it's dumb that goes to the finality.

dumb, is also our symbol, dare not shown the heart to others, and choose dumbness or self-dependence for solution. what's waiting is a lifelong regret...


don't do silence of the lambs

now we are positive time should never be silent, lamb is a type of pronouns. young as early as the former, all not know what must the silence.

silence is a symbol of our love and family said to worry, silent or alone. in the future, it will make oneself regret lifelong...


do not to do gently sheep ,now we are 我只懂這一點,後面的不知道了


蜉蝣2014小蟲 絲綢之路是聯絡東西方之間最重要的通道。在大約公元前105年,中國的絲綢是運往西方的最受歡迎商品。實際上,絲綢之路是指由商人們使用來運送貨品的很多條道路。這些商人以商隊形式,沿著絲綢之路來交易很多商品。商隊帶著絲綢 瓷器 香料 寶石 香膏 茶葉和橙 桃和其他樹木的種子往西方走。從西方...

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